J & W Commodities
March 1990Brad Swenson becomes a partner in “J & W Commodities” brokerage business.
Dakota Commodities
March 1997“J & W Commodities” changes names to “Dakota Commodities” under the continued ownership of Brad.
Matt Swenson joins the team
April 2004
Brad’s son Matt Swenson becomes a registered commodity broker with “Dakota Commodities”.
Swenson Commodities
January 2005The name “Dakota Commodities” is changed to “Swenson Commodities”.
Swenson Investments & Commodities
January 2007
The name “Swenson Commodities” is changed to “Swenson Investments & Commodities” in order to recognize the new investment division of the company.
Barry Matson joins the team
June 2007
Barry Matson joins the team and becomes a registered commodity broker.
Office Location Moved
July 2007
“Swenson Investments & Commodities” moves out of its current location at “Sioux Nation” into a new location at 608 N West Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Travis Krueger joins the team
April 2009
Travis Krueger joins the team as a Financial Advisor for the investment division of “Swenson Investments & Commodities”. Travis had previously been a registered representative since 2004.
Andrew Wieting joins the team
August 2009
Andrew Wieting joins the team and becomes a registered commodity broker.
Swenson Investments & Commodities bought by employees
September 2017Matt Swenson, Travis Krueger, and Andrew Wieting enter into a partnership and purchased “Swenson Investments & Commodities” from Brad Swenson.
Swenson Advisory Group
September 2018
Swenson Investments & Commodities” is renamed “Swenson Advisory Group” which serves as the new parent company to the Swenson Business. The change was orchestrated with the intent to clarify the services we offer for new and existing clients.
Swenson Commodities
September 2018
A doing business as entity created under the new parent company “Swenson Advisory Group” and is directly used with our commodity services.
Swenson Wealth Management
September 2018
A doing business as entity created under the new parent company “Swenson Advisory Group” and is directly used with our financial services.
New Office Location being Built
February 2019
A new location is being built to better serve our new and existing clients.
Cody Hageman joins the team
March 2020
Cody Hageman joins the team and becomes a registered commodity broker. A branch office location is established in Aberdeen, SD.
Branch office opens in Aberdeen, SD
March 2020Jonathan Dick joins the team
January 2022
Jonathan Dick joins the team and becomes a registered commodity broker in Sioux Falls, SD.